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Making Big Gains with Agent Motivation

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Employee motivation is one of the most important factors in a call center’s success. It directly affects agent productivity and creativity and, if neglected, can be detrimental to both a call center’s retention rate and its profitability.

Inconsistent occupancy throughout the work day can hurt agent motivation, as:
• Unhappy customers make for unhappy agents

• Lack of control means lack of feedback

• Differences in level of activity are seen as unfair

•Critical understaffing means no flexibility.

But there are also ways that call center managers can fight back and rejuvenate agent motivation, by introducing:

• More consistent occupancy values

• Vacation planning

• Work time preferences

• Shift swapping

• Intraday management.

In this white paper, you will learn more about these causes and responses, as well as two case studies about real companies that have realized big gains by increasing agent motivation.